South West

Which US Seaport will Dominate in the years to come?

Of the top US seaports, Los Angeles/Long Beach, New York/New Jersey, Miami, Seattle/Tacoma, which is expected to dominate in the years to come given the major proposed developments in port and canal infrastructure?

Will constant congestion issues at the port of Los Angeles eventually cause it the top spot? NVO's are currently offering shippers and importers expanded services from the port of Miami to offset the current West Coast congestion.

Continuous US Customs Bond


New Continuous US Customs Bond. This reusable type electronic customs bond is highly recommended for high volume imports. Also known as the continuous customs bond, this customs bond is cost effective when it comes to high volume importing. The minimum allowed by US Customs is $50,000.00 USD. It is generally purchased once and then renews each year. A single transaction customs bond can be purchased for each import, however as the number of import shipments increase, the cost effectiveness of using of the continuous customs bond becomes apparent.

List price: $0.00
Price: $400.00

Importer Security Filing ISF Customs Bond


A customs bond is required by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for ISF Filing of commercial shipments. If you do not currently have a customs bond, you can purchase an ISF customs bond for your Importer Security Filing. The minimum allowed by CBP is $10,000. Please note, this bond will only cover your ISF filing and at the time of import entry filing, you will also require a single transaction customs bond. Purchase your ISF customs bond today to file your ISF in a timely manner and avoid US Customs late filing penalties.

List price: $0.00
Price: $50.00

Foreign Importer Customs Bond


As a general rule, for more than 4-6 import shipments per year, an annual continuous customs bond is recommended. This reusable customs bond also known as a continuous customs bond is a more cost effective approach than the single transaction customs bond. The minimum bond amount required by US Customs is $50,000.00. It requires renewal each year to remain in effect.

This continuous customs bond can also be used by a foreign based non resident Importer. Purchase yours today and save $$$

List price: $0.00
Price: $450.00
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