
Seeking Ocean Freight rate quote from Tianjin to Los Angeles

This is a 24 hour rate quote request that will expire July 8th due to customer's time constraints.

Shipment consists of 25 Tons of Bearings

Raspberry Fee rate effective July 2014

USDA has advised Customs and Border Protection (CBP) that the Raspberry fee rate for HTS# 2009.89.6055 (Red raspberry juice,including concentrate) will be assessed as follows:

Effective date July 01, 2014
Tariff 2009.89.6055
Raspberry fee rate: $0.022 per liter

FDA Clarification on Using Wood Shelving in Artisanal Cheesemaking

FDA advises they are not prohibiting or banning the long-standing practice of using wood shelving in artisanal cheese. Nor does the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) require any such action. The agency’s regulations do not specifically address the use of shelving made of wood in cheesemaking, nor is there any FSMA requirement in effect that addresses this issue.

GSP expiration renewal and entry liquidation protest

GSP expired July 31, 2013. Importers were advised to continue to claim GSP but pay duties due. In the event of a retroactive renewal, CBP could process refunds automatically.

Ocean freight rate and transit time from Barcelona to New York

Shop and find ocean freight LCL rates and transit time from various ports around the world, no login required, no email form submission.

It's simple, enter your origin city and get instant rates. It does not get easier.

Click here to view the latest lcl ocean rates from Barcelona Spain to New York

Free Trade Agreements

While the type of commodity and duty rate plays a major role in deciding which commodities to import, there are other equally important factors to consider.


If the manufacturer has been sanctioned or there is an anti dumping case against a particular manufacturer, your venture could prove less profitable.


Build your own import Ocean Rate quote

Now you have the tools by which to compare various ocean freight rates and build your own rate quote. At, you can now easily select from various origin and destination ports to compare ocean freight rates.

No account login or sign up needed, simply browse and select.

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Textile Enforcement and Security Act of 2013

Congress finds the fraudulent or illegal imports of textile and apparel articles into the United States results in significant revenue loss to the Department of the Treasury.
To provide the Department of Homeland Security, US Customs and Border Protection, and the Department of the Treasury with authority to more aggressively enforce customs and trade laws relating to textile and apparel articles, and for other purposes.

Dallas port gets additional day to pay Customs duties

On December 6, 2013, due to inclement weather, a Snow Day is being granted to all who file customs entries at the Port of Dallas Fort Worth, Texas.
US Customs and Border Protection is extending an additional day, without penalty, for payments of customs duties that were due on December 6, 2013 at the Port of Dallas Fort Worth, Texas.

FDA Foreign Supplier Verification Programs for Importers

FDA will soon announce a 60-day extension of the comment period on proposed rules for Foreign Supplier Verification Programs for Importers of Food for Humans and Animals and Accreditation of Third-Party Auditors/Certification bodies to Conduct Food Safety Audits to Issue Certifications. The current comment period for both proposed rules is scheduled to end November 26, 2013.


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